There is 1 big road block when designing a custom dashboard and that is screen real-estate. There is only so much room you have to work with and your goal is to fit use full information on the screen. I…
5 CommentsTag: vcenter
I have seen a few posts around with people having issues with this tool. This tool is used if you are installing a multi-site setup for SSO, allows to export the data to then import to a secondary site, or…
Leave a CommentRecently came across an issue with vCOPS 5, where I had stale adapters and data within my vCOPS database, and it would not allow me to re register a vCenter server, even tho I unregistered it previously. The error you receive is: Exception occurred…
Leave a CommentWell this past week ive been working on upgrading one of my smaller systems or 2000 VM’s and 60 hosts from vSphere 5.0 to 5.1. Lets just say ive had a crap load of issues as most may have experienced themselves. Due…