Knowledge Understand what logical availability services are provided by VMware solutions. VMware High Availability – minimizes downtime by restarting virtual machine on remain hosts in case of hardware failure VMware Fault Tolerance – Provides continuous availability in case of hardware failure by running a…
1 CommentTag: Design
Knowledge Identify basic service dependencies for infrastructure and application services. This will be done during the current state analysis, There are products that will help identify application dependencies like VMware vCenter Application Discover Manager or even VMware Infrastructure Navigator can highlight dependencies. For example a…
1 CommentKnowledge Explain the common components of logical design. The common components of a Logical Design are: Focuses on satisfying the design factors (requirements, risks, constraints assumptions) relationships between all major infrastructure components How to arrange components Does not contain physical detail like ports or ip addresses etc…
Leave a CommentDifferentiate between the general concepts of a risk, a requirement, a constraint, and an assumption. Risk – is a exactly what it sounds like a risk that might prevent a projects goals or requirements from being completed. An example of this is…
1 CommentGiven a scenario, gather and analyze application requirements This is what would be included in your current-state analysis For example we have a scenario where we have been told to virtualise all exchange servers. we would: Capture baseline performance metrics including…
Leave a CommentAssociate a stakeholder with the information that needs to be collected. Before a design can begin the correct information needs to be collected, this information needs to be collected and associated with particular stakeholders. GATHER (information) – DEFINE (requirements) – IDENTIFY(constraints, risks…
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