I recently did a PoC for a customer, to show how you could offer server right sizing through vRA using the capacity data of vROps. I really like blending these 2 products. I am using vRA 7.6 and vROps 7.5…
5 CommentsCategory: vCOPS
Hey Hey, I have been asked this question quite a lot lately, How can I use the metrics in vROps to determine which cluster can be provisioned to. This is something that I have delivered for customers but never really…
Leave a CommentHey Hey, Back again with another dashboard I hope some of you may find it useful or use as a building block for your environment. I did a dashboard like this back in 5.x HERE This is a little different…
3 CommentsHey All! This is a very short and sweet vROps tip today, its something that is very easy but not that well known, This is how to change the collection interval of a vROps solution or “adapter” Previously in 5.x…
Leave a CommentToday I thought I would extend on one of the chapters in my recently released book Mastering vRealise Operations Manager and at the same time update one of the more popular posts being the vCOps Cluster Dashboard Step by Step…
50 CommentsI have a had a couple of questions on when capacity calculations occur and if they can be changed. vROps 6 is allot more flexible when it comes to capacity calculations. In vCOps 5.x when you made a policy change…
11 CommentsHey all, Been a little while since my last post been busy finishing up some side projects one of which is sort of relevant in this blog post which is a soon to be released book on vROps available for…
14 CommentsHey Hey, Recently had a good conversation about upgrading from vCOPS 5.8.x to vROPS 6 with Steve Bridle who posted on migration preperation HERE This got me thinking not only about cleaning up old data but to optimise the data…
1 CommentPrevious 2 parts we looked at groups in part 1 and policies in part 2 time to show you what else you can do with views and reports and a very cool feature the what if scenario. Capacity Reports and…
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