This is something most people will not encounter, vCOPs has a default limit of 10,000 resources it manages and reports on. If you go over this limit you will get an alert saying “Number of Resources Exceeds Supported Limit”
At one of the clients I manage has quiet a large environment with about 6000 Resources, these include VM’s, Datastores, Hosts Templates etc. So how were they over the 10,000 limit.
Looking at VM Entity Status you will notice NotExisting status and the number between the brackets is how many exist in that status.
The client I was looking at had over 10,000 VM’s in not existing. This is because vCOPs was monitoring a sandpit self provisioning environment, so allot of machines are created then deleted. By default vCOPS does not delete these items.
There is 2 ways to fix this issue, either expand the resource limit or delete the NotExisting entries, or both if you want
Expand the Limit: add the parameter “maxNumberOfResourcesSupported=” in “/usr/lib/vmware-vcops/user/conf/analytics/” file. Once done restart the analytic service.
Delete Entries: Open the file “/usr/lib/vmware-vcops/user/conf/controller/” search for “deleteNotExisiting” and change from false to true.
Then look for delerionPeriodInHours, Change this to how long you want items to remain in the not existing state before it is deleted. I usually set this to a week.
Then look for deleteionScheduledPeriod, set this to 1 hour.
Then restart the analytic service.
Short and precise – Thanks!!
no worries glad it helped, cheers
Thanks for this article, I just want to apply this, how do you restart analystics service ? do you retstart the whole Appliance or is there a command I can type ? Thanks.
No problem,
on the command line on the analytics vm you can type in “service vcops restart analytics” and that should do the trick.
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Please note that leaving deleteNotExisting set to TRUE for extended periods is not recommended. Objects that temporarily disappear or become inaccessible can have their historical data deleted by this flag before they get a chance to come back online. Only use this setting as a one-off data cleaner to maintain historical data integrity.
Hi Jeremy thanks heaps for your input,
Personally I think It really depends on how you want to tackle it. and what the environment is.
The delerionPeriodInHours setting which I recommend setting as a week will be how long an object can stay in deleted before it is removed. So if its not back in a week the chances are its not coming back. This can be set to a longer or shorter periods of time if needed too.
But yes it all depends what a best fit for your environment, as a one off cleaner it is perfectly fine as yes the safer approach, if you have a development pit it may become and operational headache to constantly go in change, restart, change restart etc.
I have had these setting set on a dozen accounts all with different period settings for between 1 – 2 years now and haven’t had an issue………. yet 🙂
[…] Changed the configuration to remove objects that haven’t been reported on for 24 hours. (This setting was previously set, but between the update from 5.7 to 5.8 it was overwritten) – Scott Norris has some more information in his blog on this […]
[…] from 5.7 to 5.8 it was overwritten) – Scott Norris has some more information in his blog on this and KB article – […]