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Hello and Welcome

Hi all!!

Just when you thought there was enough VMware blogs Huh?? well here is one more 🙂

My Names Scott aka NuggetGTR, this is something I have wanted to do for years. in fact I was going to start one 12 months ago, but got struck down health wise and now im back better than ever.

I am 30 years old and have been in the IT industry for 9 years, I have spent most my carrer as a senior wintel server engineer, but have found myself in the last 3 years 100% dedicated to VMware tecnologies, Myself and the team I lead, manage what is arguably the largest VMware environment in APJ.

on a day to day basis I deal with your run of the mill vSphere 5 administration, but I also run vCloud Director, vCOPS, VMware View and VIN just to name a few. Because of this I think I see just about every issue there is and have come accross some great information which I would like to start to share through this site.

I currently hold every VMware certification apart from VCDX which one day if I get the time I will have a go at it.

Hope the information I provide is helpful for someone out there, look out for new posts coming soon.


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